How to Write a Compelling Value Proposition + Buyers Challenge Canvas

Your visitors’ attention ratio (5 seconds) is lower than the attention span of a fish in a bowl 🐠

In this article, we’ll show you how you can tame that fish and increase your visitors’ attention span to 5 minutes, using a great value proposition. We’ve squeezed every training we gave about value proposition into this article.

It’s a complete guide on how to write your own compelling value proposition. You’ll learn how to make your audience stay and listen to what you have to offer.

We’ve also created a new buyers challenge canvas to guide you to make the perfect value proposition. 

Tip: If you’re more of a visual learner, you can also sign up for the free growth marketing course and watch the exact same content! 

Here is the list of gems you’ll learn in 15 minutes:

💎 What is a customer value proposition
💎 How to write a customer value proposition
💎 How to use 2 customer value proposition canvasses.
💎 How to evaluate your unique value proposition
💎 Some customer value proposition examples to inspire you. 

You can start to increase your conversion rates here.

The 9 Secret Ingredients to Turn Your Messenger Bot Into a Growth Machine

Chatbots are everywhere. But how do you turn yours into a conversion machine?

In this article, we’ll share our learnings with you. We’re not going to show you how to build your bot, because that’s the easy part. We’re going to show you 9 secret ingredients that will make your chatbot go from a Sloppy Joe to a Big Mac.

BB2BWebinars Are Boring, So We Made 5 to Change Your Mind.

Yes, we know webinars are often 1-hour boring and long introductions to a general topic.

That’s why we packed our webinars with actionable tactics and a fast-paced DIY approach. (Just like in our academy). So if you want to get instant ROI of your one-hour time investment, sign up for our free webinars:

(Click to the headlines to get more information and sign up)

🗓️30/04/2020 – 🤖 Chatbots: Conversion or Conversation?

See the exclusive GrowForce case studies and set up your next chatbot campaign with our proven framework.

🗓️07/05/2020 – 👥-How to get started with FB ads

Learn how to use FB and Instagram ads effectively to grow your business.

🗓️14/05/2020 – 💼 How to dominate LinkedIn in 30 days 

Create a content plan for your LinkedIn and master distribution for maximum conversion.

🗓️21/05/2020 📹 How to start with video marketing 

Educate your leads and engage with them with video marketing.

🗓️28/05/2020 ⚙️LinkedIn automation with Phantombuster

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools to generate B2B leads for your company.

During this live webinar we’ll discuss how to get started with Phantombuster and automate your lead generation.

14 Point Landing Page Checklist for Higher Conversion Rates.

Landing pages are where your hard work pays off, the moment of truth. It doesn’t matter how good your product or service is, if your landing page doesn’t have the right conversion triggers, you’ll lose your hard-earned visitors.

In this article, we share our proven checklist to help you press the right triggers. And furthermore, we present the same structure we use on landing pages.

It’s the same content we teach in our 6-week growth marketing course (100% transparency), so start optimizing your landing page and get results here.

This post already went viral on Reddit. FYI.

19 Growth Hacking Examples That You Can Copy-Paste

(It’s our most popular article right now, so check it in case you missed it in the last weeks)

We’ve dived deep into the growth hacking ocean and found a couple of growth hacking examples that you can find nowhere else. If you want to find inspiration for your next growth marketing experiment, this article is perfect for you.

You can even find a growth hack about Tiger King. Wow. You can read it here.

Enjoy the snacks!